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《ladbrokes立博中文版》 ranks BSU as a Best College for the second year in a row! 了解更多


BSU’s Commitment to Free Speech and Academic Freedom

ladbrokes立博中文版 is committed to an environment of 教ing and learning that stimulates critical thinking, demands the rigorous pursuit of new knowledge and deeper understanding, cultivates meaningful and diverse interpersonal relationships, 培养全球公民意识, and strives to transform lives and improve the human condition.

It is BSU’s vision that all members of the community readily embrace the University’s values of fairness, 尊重, 尊严和言论自由, causing them to think beyond the self and to be engaged in the advancement of the greater good. The common good depends upon the free search for truth and its free exposition.

A student 讨论es his research with two others at the STARS symposium

学术自由 is essential to these purposes and applies to both 教ing and research. BSU is legally and ethically bound to 尊重 academic freedom. 具体地说, academic freedom is unders太d as the right of scholars in institutions of higher education freely to study, 讨论, 调查, 教, 展览, 执行和发布. Freedom in research is fundamental to the advancement of truth. 学术自由 in its 教ing aspect is fundamental for the protection of the rights of the 教er in 教ing and of the student in learning. The scholar is entitled to full freedom in research and in the 展览ion, performance and publication of the results of their research, and to full freedom in the classroom in 讨论ing their subject, most specifically in the selection of their course materials and in the selection of texts. The scholar is entitled to 讨论 controversial issues.

Professor Meghan Murphy works with a student in a sociology class

The college or university 教er or librarian is a citizen and a member of a learned profession affiliated with an educational institution. 当他们说话的时候, 写, or express themself in any other fashion as a citizen, they should be free from institutional censorship or discipline, but their special position in the community imposes special obligations. 它们在任何时候都应该是准确的, 应该保持适当的克制, should show 尊重 for the opinions of others. They 尊重 the free inquiry of their associates and avoid interference in their work.

As a state institution, BSU is also bound to the Massachusetts Constitution, the U.S. 宪法和权利法案, which guarantee freedom of speech and press, 宗教自由, 平等保护.





周二,9月. 17, 2024 | 12:15-1:45 p.m. | DMF礼堂

安德鲁J. 科恩

Incorporating insights from John Stuart Mill’s classic 在自由教授,. 科恩 speaks directly to current issues of speech on campus. Why are freedom of thought and action so important? 什么是伤害? 压制言论有什么害处? 尤其是在大学里, 科恩 examines the need for intellectual diversity and the major harm that comes without it.

安德鲁Jason 科恩 is Professor of Philosophy and Founding Director of the Interdisciplinary Studies Program in Philosophy, 政治, and Economics (PPE) at 佐治亚州立大学. 他是 宽容 and Freedom from Harm: Liberalism Reconceived (Routledge, 2018)和 宽容 (政治,2014). He is currently working on a book on civil discourse. 



Dr. Erec史密斯

“Anti-Racist Education is Anti-Everything Except Racism”

Tuesday, March 12, 2024 | 12:15-1:45 p.m. |莫克利礼堂

Dr. Erec史密斯
Associate Professor of Rhetoric, York College of Pennsylvania





周二,10月. 31, 2023 | 12:30 p.m. |莫克利礼堂

Professor of Law, UCLA; noted First Amendment expert





周二,10月. 3, 2023 | 7 p.m. |朗迪洛学生会礼堂

总统 of Poland; Nobel Laureate & 全球领导者


10月星期二. 3, 总统 Lech Wałęsa came to ladbrokes立博中文版. A pro-democracy dissident and union organizer, Wałęsa answered questions from about 20 students before giving a talk to more than 1,000人. 阅读更多关于Wałęsa的ladbrokes立博中文版»

Jacob Mchangama

“Free Speech: A History from Socrates to Social Media”

9月. 20, 2022

Jacob Mchangama
Executive Director of Justitia; 2016 Marshall Memorial Fellow
在YouTube上观看Jacob Mchangama»

Jacob Mchangama traces the legal, political, and cultural history of the idea of free speech. From the ancient Athenian orator Demosthenes and the ninth-century freethinker al-Rāzī, 反对私刑的十字军战士艾达·B. Wells and modern-day digital activists, Mchangama reveals how the free exchange of ideas underlies all intellectual achievement and has enabled the advancement of both freedom and equality worldwide. 然而,限制言论的愿望, 太, 是一个常数, and he explores how even its champions can be led down this path when the rise of new and contrarian voices challenge power and privilege of all stripes.

The cover of 布里奇沃特评论 Volume 40, Issue 2

读博士. 永旺J. Skoble的 布里奇沃特评论 article about a university’s role in education and seeking truth.

的所有问题 布里奇沃特评论 »

书的封面 &并非所有男孩都是蓝色的&”; and &“屠宰场五&”;
According to the American 图书馆 Association, 有超过1个,2022年将有200个图书挑战, 代表2,571个独特标题. Find out more about books from 麦克斯韦尔库’s catalog that have been banned or challenged in the United States.